Monday, June 30, 2014

baby boys

With less than a week to go, birthday party prep is in full swing, and the blog has become a little neglected in the midst of invitations and pies and gift wrap. But we're back on schedule with a post for Monday! Continuing with our theme of the month, here's a roundup of the best things about boys. 

When we first learned we were having a little boy, Eleanor waved farewell to her Little Women dreams and Scott started planning Clay's football career. But having a boy has been so much more wonderful and complex than we ever imagined. Of course, every baby is different, and we try to ignore the "rules" for the most part (we dress our poor kid in tights after all). But here are the Things We Love About Having A Boy: 

-They're Cheap- Baby boy clothes are adorable (bow ties, itty bitty flannel shirts, airplane tights, anyone?), but even the kid-specific stores stock about half as much for boys as they do for girls, and you can really only own so many button-down rompers. The money saved on oversized hair bows almost makes up for the fact that we have no one to buy oversized hair bows for.* In the same vein, no wedding to pay for. Score. 

-They're Mama's Boys- "I was so worried I wouldn't have anything in common with a little boy and that, worst of all, he wouldn't be able to connect with me. That he'd look to his dad for fun and just view me as his crazy mom stopping him from doing anything exciting. And now I can't imagine having a girl. I love how cuddly Clay is, and how his hair sticks up, and how he is always, inexplicably, covered in dirt. Suddenly trucks, and trains, and bugs are the neatest things ever. I'm even forcing myself to learn soccer scoring." -Eleanor 

-They're Daddy's Boys- "I love having a little mini-me, someone who will grow up to love the things you love. And there isn't nothing better than walking in the door to my little boy clapping his hands for me." -Scott

-They're Little Men- We are growing Clay to be one of the good guys, someone who will treat women right and stand for what's right, someone who will take action when necessary and step back when needed. No telling for sure whether or not it will work, but hopefully with the right example little boys become awesome men. 

-Scott & Eleanor 

*So says Eleanor. Even if we had a girl, Scott wouldn't spend a cent on oversized hair bows.  

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